Resource library
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Title | Author | Type of resource | Year | Country | Brief summary | URL |
20 Collaborative Learning Tips and Strategies for Teachers | TeachThought Staff | Article with helpful tips | 2020 | UK | This article presents 20 collaborative learning tips and strategies for teachers. | URL |
30 interactive Google Slides activities | Matt Miller | Guideline | 2019 | USA | The article explains how Google Slides or PowerPoint can be used to make lessons more interactive. The author presents 30 innovative games/activities that could inspire educators. | URL |
30+ Best Online Learning Collaboration Tools | Sofia Green | Other | 2021 | USA | This article describes 30 tools used in collaborative learning. They are divided into the following categories: content curation tools, online discussion tools, tools for virtual classroom activities, collaborative authoring tools, and other tools for collaborative content development. | URL |
5 Tips for Making Digital Learning Accessible to All Students | Rhianon Gutierrez | Article with helpful tips | 2021 | USA | Rhianon Gutierrez, a Boston-based educator, designer, and consultant working at the intersection of media, education, and cultural inclusion, shares 5 tips for Making Digital Learning Accessible to All Students. | URL |
6. Effective Online Discussions | Michelle Rogers-Estable, Cathy Cavanaugh, Michael Simonson, Triona Finucane, Andrew McIntosh / Course Hero online learning platform | Handbook | 2018 | USA/Global | The article discusses three practical tools that address the challenges of facilitating effective virtual small-group discussions: 1) Note catchers for breakout room discussions; 2) Pre-assignments to prepare for online discussions; and 3) Simple end-of-session feedback survey. It also provides a means to monitor and measure students' learning progress. | URL |
7 smart ways to use technology in the classroom | Hailey Reissman | Article with helpful tips | 2017 | USA | The website contains an article about an elementary school teacher (Kayla Delzer) who incorporates the use of social networking sites into the lessons she teaches. The teacher provides tips for using technology in the classroom. | URL |
7 Ways To Maximise Interaction In The Virtual Classroom | Wall Street English | Article with helpful tips | 2020 | Spain/global | The article focuses mainly on teaching English online and provides helpful tips how to maximize online interaction. Among the suggested ideas are: setting polls and quiz questions, writing on a board, using the record function, planning the interaction patterns, etc. | URL |
8 Strategies to Improve Participation in Your Virtual Classroom | Emelina Minero/George Lucas Educational Foundation | Article with helpful tips | 2020 | USA | In the article educators share their best synchronous strategies (such as: Spider web discussion; Using chat to check for understanding; Flip your classroom to stimulate deeper discussion; Adapting think-pair-share to Zoom; A new twist on show-and-tell ) and asynchronous strategies (such as: Online forums create back-and-forth dialogue; Seeing and critiquing peer work through virtual gallery walks; Moving station brainstorming online) to boost students' participation during online learning. | URL |
A flexible and personal learning environment-From single components to an integrated digital learning environment: a survey | SURFnet | Article with helpful tips | 2015 | Netherlands | The digital learning environment of the future must accommodate the needs and wishes of students and teachers, who want fast and easy access to information and materials.This places great demands on institutions’ ICT infrastructure, and sets high archival, security and administrative standards. The digital learning environment of the future will be an interconnected whole of services and applications that support students and teachers in their learning and teaching activities. | URL |
Accessible Digital Learning Portal | UNICEF | Other | 2021 | Multiple countries | The Accessible Digital Learning Portal is a hub for technology focused information, content, tools, products and resources that support disability inclusive education in remote and classroom settings. T | URL |