digital tools for teaching

Project N: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-ADU-000033654

About the Project

T4T is a project that aims to strengthen the ability of adult educators and training professionals to build and sustain effective group dynamics in digital education environments to better engage their online learners.

The COVID 19 pandemic and recent developments in instructional materials have created new challenges for educators and training leaders. Most of them have had to move quickly from face-to-face to online classrooms…

Group of Teachers

T4T Network

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Are you an education expert and/or an education provider in formal, non-formal and informal education?

Do you know how to ensure the same level of learner’s interaction and engagement in the online learning environment as in the physical environment?

Join the T4T network and become part of an international community of educators.



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Latest news

Empowering Education and Inclusion: T4T partners present the project in a Let Her In event

Last September, Let Her In organised an international event in Reus, Spain, at Espai Boule, ...
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T4T Project Presentation In Greece: Informative And Co-Operative

The T4T project event in Greece took place at the Research Centre – Tsitsanis Museum ...
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T4T Project Event In Spain: A Successful Showcase For Innovation And Collaboration

On 27 October, the T4T project event in Spain brought together teachers, students and various ...
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digital tools for teaching

Project no. 0000 – 1 – RO00 – KA000 – 000000

About the Project

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Asset 11x

Latest News

Empowering Education and Inclusion: T4T partners present the project in a Let Her In event

Last September, Let Her In organised an international event in Reus, Spain, at Espai Boule, ...
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T4T Project Presentation In Greece: Informative And Co-Operative

The T4T project event in Greece took place at the Research Centre – Tsitsanis Museum ...
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T4T Project Event In Spain: A Successful Showcase For Innovation And Collaboration

On 27 October, the T4T project event in Spain brought together teachers, students and various ...
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