Third Transnational Partner Meeting in Lodz, Poland

On 6-7 February 2023, all partners of the Erasmus + T4T: Tools4Teaching in Digital Education Settings project participated in the third international meeting in Lodz, Poland. The meeting was hosted by a Polish partner, the University of Social Sciences, on their campus. The meeting was held in hybrid mode.

During the meeting, the partners discussed how to improve online group dynamics in adult education. All important issues regarding the progress of the work on the project results, the next planned activities and the implementation phases were discussed in depth.

In the course of producing a guide for adult educators on how to better design effective group dynamics in the online learning environment (available on the project website in all partner languages), the consortium developed a set of practical exercises suitable for an online learning environment.

The partners developed 18 different energisers, warm-up exercises and follow-up activities suitable for different educational areas: Language, Entrepreneurship, Environmental Education and ICT, as well as artistic and creative activities and exercises suitable for people with disabilities. Soon, all exercises will be available as an interactive database on the project website.

The partners have also planned future webinars where all the developed activities will be tested with real educators. The trainers – experts in the field of adult education – will also present case studies and practical tools showing how energisers, warm-up and follow-up activities can be used in practise and directly applied in online courses and sessions.

The face-to-face meeting also provided an opportunity to discuss all relevant administrative issues such as project management, reporting, quality assurance and risk management. The consortium summarised dissemination activities and planned how to publicise the project in the coming months. The T4T project has an active presence on the discussion platform where teachers and other members can foster community, share good practises and learn about useful materials. You can join the T4T group here: If you don’t want to miss any more news, stay in touch and follow us on Facebook.

Another face-to-face meeting in Poland gave us the opportunity not only to work effectively on the project results, but also to meet our partners again. A common goal and a mutual understanding of tasks and responsibilities promotes group cohesion and strengthens efforts to deliver a high-quality project with many useful results.

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