T4T Project Presentation In Greece: Informative And Co-Operative

The T4T project event in Greece took place at the Research Centre – Tsitsanis Museum in Trikala. The event focussed on presenting the project results to educators and discussing the impact of digital tools in distance learning. The venue, a cultural and research centre, provided an ideal setting for this informative event.

The event began with a presentation of MYARTIST and its role in the T4T project, followed by an in-depth discussion of the T4T modules and practical exercises. A keynote speaker presented insights on the impact of remote working and the integration of digital tools in education, sparking a lively Q&A session. Participants discussed the implementation of the guidelines and practical exercises in their teaching practise.

After the presentations, the educators and keynote speakers had the opportunity to further discuss the results and perspectives of the project during a dinner hosted by MYARTIST in the museum’s cafeteria. The event was attended by 35 educators from public and public schools, and local authorities were also represented. An online survey was conducted among 17 participants, who expressed a keen interest in the project’s tools.

The event was well received. The participants wanted to use the T4T tools and asked for more presentations and workshops in the future.

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